The Year for You!

This is the Year for you! It’s your time to get healthier mentally. I am not a fan of resolutions because of the hype. But I am a fan of assessing my life and seeing where I am and how to get where I want to go.

With that said, there is one thing that always gets in the way of where I want to go. And that’s ME! I get in the way of myself daily. The conversations in my head about myself are not kind, or true! Yet I have them on a daily basis.

I have a lot of experience with this, conversations such as, Ah I suck as a mom! I can’t seem to get my shit together! I’m not good enough to start a blog or that or that I am not fit enough to teach on video.

The fact is, I am not really a shity mom, I actually get a ton done in the day, (it’s just not always items that feel check worthy able) anyone can start a blog, and nobody is perfect!  So after years of holding back, I have decided, screw this! I really don’t care what people think anymore. And I am asking you to do the same thing!

I know you have some pretty amazing, crazy awesome goals you want to crush, but first, take care of yourself by doing this one thing. IMPLEMENT THE GOLDEN RULE into your life ASAP!

The Golden Rule…

In case you are not familiar, here is a refresher. ” Do unto others as you would want to be done unto you!” Ok, let’s apply this to you. Do unto yourself as you would do unto others! Hmmm, think about it. Would you tell your best friend she has a saggy butt or bags under her eyes, or never gets anything right? I don’t think so! So why do we tell ourselves this?

We are so hard on ourselves that we, in fact, are not taking care of us and we are making ourselves SICK, DEPRESSED, and UNDERAPPRECIATED. Even worse, we are making ourselves unhealthy!

We are sabotaging our emotions and killing our joy, speaking lies and losing our internal value. Which in fact starts a snowball effect that not only others see, but subconsciously take in. And sadly, ultimately we are adding additional cortisol (that is not necessary) to our belly fat!.

So some of you me be thinking, she is talking about LOVING YOURSELF more, and I really hope that is not the case because my goal is for all of us to TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF more. Here are some strategies that I know work.

4 Ways to Take Care of Yourself

Applying the golden rule- Until this becomes a habit, turn every situation around and ask yourself ” would I do this too (        ) fill in the blank”?

Adding some kind of movement to your day for 20 mins- It’s been proven that movement can change your perspective not to mention it makes you feel productive.

Catch yourself when you say something negative and quickly find the positive- this takes practice but eventually, it becomes a habit and you will find yourself seeing the positive more often than the negative.

Give yourself some grace- Forgiveness is key to happiness, so for goodness sake, give yourself a break and forgive your mistakes!

Work on these simple tricks and you will be on your way to crushing your goals quicker, depleting stress and cortisol levels, and simply on your way to enjoying your healthier life.

Remember, negative self-sabotaging acts get you nowhere but more undervalued and my dear, you are so valued!

Stay strong my lovelies,





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