Did you know Pilates and TRX complement each other? As an instructor to both, I find them to be amazing when combined. Not only do both of them work your butt off but they both provide amazing stretches!
My youngest kiddo asked me the other day, Mom, why do you stretch… its sooo boring. And seriously I think so many people can relate. They simply don’t take the time to do something so powerful for their body.
A stretch is a great healer!
Your body needs it, craves it, and will thank you for it. After contracting our muscles all day, either from stress, tension, or similar movements, the muscles need a way to release.
Something as simple as sitting at your desk all day can contract your muscles in the wrong direction. Without the stretch, the body starts developing akes and pains as a warning sign saying PLEASE MOVE!
Here are 5 of my favorite stretches you can do on the TRX
Spine stretch forward
This classic Pilates stretch is part of the beginner foundation work we do in Pilates. It’s so beneficial for the back and hamstrings. However, the arms and lat’s get a stretch as well.
Flying eagle
This is an amazing back extension exercise in the advanced Pilates system, but when using the TRX we can keep it just a stretch with some assistance. Great for a night routine or for someone who sits at a computer all day.
Cat stretch
We all are familiar with this well-known yoga stretch. The TRX acts as an assist and helps the body articulate as the spine rolls. Check it out it’s another winner for bedtime or anytime stretches.
Piriformis stretch
Another stretch that helps the lower back and glutes. This stretch is a slice of heaven for anyone!
Side leg stretches
Oh, how I love the Pilates side leg stretch series. These stretches are for you if you have restless leg syndrome, tight hamstrings, or even painful knees!
There are many more but these are great for a quick pick me up or off to bed routine.
Try sprinkling them in, during your regular workout routine and I promise your body will thank you!
Ok, we have all done it! Put the clothes in the washer to forget about them moments later. I have found an amazing solution for getting the mildew smell out of clothes. I can’t keep this to myself because it is incredible and it has taken me years to fix this problem.
Unfortunately, I have to wash all blankets, towels, and virtually everything in my house because I have ruined them all by leaving them in the washer.
If your anything like me, this is a common occurrence. My poor family has been walking around with an absolute stench!
I have tried everything!
If this is your first offense solution one will be your go-to.
Put a cup of vinegar in your washer and do a full cycle. This should do the trick again for the first time offender.
Next solution…
Baking soda
Ok, this works on occasion as well. Baking soda is a natural cleaner and deodorizer and sometimes it works wonders for stinky items
But the best solution I found…
Out stink
This stuff is AMAZING seriously I used it with the thought that it’s probably not going to work because I have tried everything.
Let me paint the picture for you. I have thrown out towels.. washed the Hubbs clothes 3 times before I finally give up and then sometimes think I have mastered the stench to find out one of the kiddos got his shirt wet and oh man the dreadful smell is back.
I can not believe this magic stuff was so inexpensive.
If you have the same problem, then you need to get this stuff.
Is it natural?
Ok, I need to use mostly natural products due to minor irritations to chemicals but I have not had any issues with this product.
I figure I do not need to use it as a daily cleaner so I should be good. But I have washed all blankets, towels, and clothes and no problems.
Clearly, the Vinegar and baking soda are natural, and if they work, fabulous! But in my dreadful case, I needed reinforcements.
Ok mamma, go get this stuff so your little ones are not embarrassed from being the stinky kid!
I hope you never have this problem but if you do… you now have a solution.
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Awesome! You found me! I’m so glad you’re here. I created this place for you to gain internal strength in the most simple way. When our life is ever changing, our parenting, health and faith should be strong and consistent. On most days you can find me teaching Pilates, Homeschooling, or dabbling with one if my businesses.
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