This question is asked so often. Out of fear we think we are going to ruin our child if we choose to homeschool. Thoughts of not being good enough, not being patient enough, not knowing enough run through our minds.
Have you ever asked yourself the question; will I ruin my child if I homeschool?
There’s one simple answer. No!
if you asked yourself that question, I already know you’re going to be a fabulous homeschooling mom. Just by asking alone says two things about you. One that you care, and two you won’t let that happen!
Unfortunately, we have been made to feel that we’re not worthy enough to teach our own children our lifetime of knowledge. Yet someone who has merely finished a college education is more suited for the job. I am not devaluing teachers, please don’t take that wrong. I’m simply saying teaching from home can be done successfully.
We know our children, how they think, how they learn, what gives them joy. Thoose details help shape there learning environment. As you become a more seasoned homeschooler, you will use those trates to your advantage. This comes naturally.
Wheather you have a degree or not, you are enough and you are capable of teaching your children.
Today, homeschooling is easier than ever. More and more people have decided to make the move. That’s great news for you because the path has been paved and the ample opportunities for learning out of school are endless. We don’t have to physically teach our children if we don’t understand something. Let’s say math! We can lean on curriculum or YouTube or another homeschool family.
Recognize that you have your strengths and use those strengths. Similarly, pay attention to your weaknesses and outsource those areas.
There are many ways one can outsource. Some curriculums have video courses. Kumon has tutors and in-person classes. Youtube has an amazing amount of learning Channels. We do art on youtube through Art hub. We learned basic French from Duolingo. the list goes on and on. I have brought in youtube for some scientific facts. It has been extremely helpful. Other people are so talented and we get to benefit from their gifts.
I even have friends that were public school teachers and are now taking on small groups of homeschooled children for specific subjects. So the opportunities for our children are endless.

Are you worried about socialization?
Do you not take your children shopping, to the grocery store, the park, the local Jump Place, or to birthday parties? Are they on local sports teams?
Opportunities for socialization are all around us we just don’t see them. We are led to believe that sitting behind a desk listening to the teacher for hours while waiting for that 15 minutes at recess is socialization.
When my child has a question about how their friend is acting, we can look at the possibilities and see their side. That 15 minutes at recess would not allow you to grow, learn and understand somebody else’s feelings. To me that is socialization, learning how to get along with others instead of letting them figure it out on their own.
Is curriculum overwhelming?
Yes! so is anything else new. The first year, as with anything is always the hardest year. Just like starting a new job, or learning a new hobby. A curriculum is merely a tool, if it’s not working, change it. The beauty of homeschooling is that you will not ruin them. Once you can see the freedom, the joy-filled possibilities are endless.
The first year is about you!
It’s about adjusting to your child’s learning style and trial and error. It’s about learning what routine works for your family. Picking your no matter what’s. Finding your community! And you will need a community.
Is it hard to be around your child All-day-Long!
At first, if you are coming from a public school or private school where they are away from you for hours, it may feel overwhelming to have them home. But after a few weeks, you will start to see that the more you are around them the easier it is. Some say, absence makes the heart grow fonder but I have seen the reverse and many moms I know feel the same.
Once you find your routine, it becomes smoother. They become more responsible, They develop a more creative heart. It’s not like when they are home from school for summer and are BOARD!
I fought homeschooling tooth and nail. I did not want to do it! I had no faith in my ability to teach my kids. I can not spell, reading was never my passion, math was challenging and I am dyslexic. Not to mention I have no patience.
Yet life is full of surprises and twists and turns. Enjoy it and try not to stress yourself out. Be open to the possibility of greatness. You are enough and your kids adore you.
Good luck beauty