First Trimester Pilates Exercises to minimize Nausea!

Congratulations Mamma! You’re Pregnant! Such an exciting and nerve-wracking time in a woman’s life. All the things you cant do, eat, all the rules that need to be followed. But often the scariest part is that first trimester. With the high rate of pregnancy-related issues exercise can seem daunting, but first trimester Pilates can be a lifesaver!

If you’re like me, you probably are experiencing extreme nausea and the thought of moving is revolting. As crazy as this sounds, exercise will actually make you feel better.

But first, be smart lovely, ease yourself into a workout. Do as much as you can and listen to your body!

Nausea hit me all throughout the day so I walked and did these exercises the first few weeks. Good luck beauty, remember these workouts are so you feel better, not worse.

Here are a few Pilates exercises I suggest once the Dr. clears you to start working out.

I always tell clients to wait until after their first OB visit. Once you’re cleared, come back to this list.

first trimester pilates

Here we go


Yep, I said it squats. They are the best at warming the body up and getting you ready for delivery.

Watch your balance! Do 10 reps of parallel feet and then low pulses.

Next, pelvic curl in a squat position. 8-10

Simply Curl your pelvis in the squat position. Pubic bone toward your nose, then tailbone away from you. I like to do these in the squat position 8 to 10 times, then stand.

Lastly, plea squat or ballet squat for the inner thigh. 8-10 flat feet. and 8-10 high toes. don’t forget your pulses.

Ab Series

Toe taps, 8-10 alternating legs.

Then both legs for another 10 reps.

Single leg stretch into scissors followed by roll-up or half roll down 8 -10. Ending with a spine stretch forward.


Quadruped Position

Get on all fours and let’s breathe. Take a few deep inhales and exhales

Arm and leg extensions. Depending on your ability you can start with just the arms or just the leg and add both. Make sure you are alternating arm and leg. So right arm left leg.

Adding leg circles, small ones the size of a tennis ball is a great advancement. It also works the core. Rotate the leg 10 in each direction switch legs.

I like to imagine I am drawing a circle with my big toe on the back of the wall.

This is a take it easy kind of workout

You never know how you’re going to feel so start with it and go from there. The first trimester is a tough one at best so good luck mamma.

Seriously, Just move and just breathe!

Take Care lovely,


PS. If you like this post, you will love 5 Amazing Stretches you can do on the TRX.


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