Common Exercises Pregnant Wemon Should Avoid!
Pregnancy is such a crazy time in a woman’s life, So many lists of to- do’s and don’t -do’s. Hormones, anxiety and attention from strange people, it’s all so overwhelming. I’m here to be your peaceful ambassador and help you with common exercises a pregnant woman should avoid. With all the anxiety and nonsense advice out there. I am here to tell you working out pregnant is safe and GOOD FOR YOU!
I am not talking about the typical work out though, just get moving and keep moving. Seriously a walk in the park can be enough. Often we pregnant ladies are tempted to go big. We feel the overwhelming feeling of “Holly Crap” I’m gaining so much weight and naturally we want to offset it by working out.
Or the opposite happens, and you feel like exercise is to exhausting and this is a great time to kick back and relax. If this is you, please change your mindset and get moving. Staying active will help you with delivery, and recovery. Not to mention post partum depression. You can check out this post if you want to combat depression.
As a seasoned Pilates instructor and mother, I know first hand how it feels to workout pregnant and what emotional drama you are going through. My first tidbit of advice…
If it hurts don’t do it!
I know this sounds straight forward but seriously never push through pain especially in pregnancy. It’s just not worth it. Now is the time to listen to your body more than ever!
Remember, my advice is coming from a general standpoint. After years of teaching Pilates, we go by general principles and are a little more conservative when it comes to working out pregnant.
Okay, with that said let’s get to the common exercises pregnant woman should avoid.
Jumping/ HITT training : While this may be safe for 1% of the pregnant population it is not safe for most. Remember my philosophy IF IT HURTS DONT DO IT! It applies here for sure. Some people can do this with ease and some can’t.
If you can’t go on a roller coaster, what makes you think sloshing your baby around in your tummy is any different. Just saying.
High Energy Exercises: Again, I see so many pregnant ladies head for spin class. From a health standpoint, I urge you to put on your favourite music and head for the stationary bike. Spin is so high energy, you risk an advanced heart rate and stress on the baby. Not to mention the pressure you are putting on your knees and back from the added belly weight.
Turbo kickboxing and similar aerobic exercises fall under the same umbrella. It simply is not worth the risk of dehydration and change in blood pressure.
High Heat /Hot yoga : This is a big one. It’s hard enough to stay hydrated during pregnancy. You do not need any help depleting your body of water. This will make you dizzy and dehydrated.
Again these are guidelines for the general population. I am more concerned with you having a healthy body and pregnancy. There are some Instagrammers that can do some crazy things pregnant but that’s their body, not yours. And you have no idea what’s going on with their body!
General guidelines of exercises pregnant woman should stay away from!
Often we scour the internet for fitness routines and ideas. If you come across a fitness blog and you’re looking for amazing exercises to do to stay healthy. Keep in mind Back lying, twisting, and plank are all common exercises pregnant woman should avoid.

- Back lying includes crunches and leg pulls. As you already know once the second trimester happens you can not lay on your back for longer than 2 mins. Not only do you risk putting pressure on a vital organ that controls the blood to the baby, but you also risk diastasis recti.

- Twisting exercises bring the abdominals in, which is counter-intuitive to what your body needs to do to expand for baby. Also, twisting is a classical no-no for anyone with back pain. The majority of pregnant women are already experiencing back pain so again counterintuitive.

- Plank, oh plank the most versatile exercise. I love plank and actually found myself in plank many times when pregnant with my first. I pretty much thought I was invincible because I could still do it with ease. However, what I was actually doing was creating diastases recti. Not to mention putting added stress on the lumbar spine.
When you are in plank, it’s harder to keep your muscles in and up due to gravity and pressure of your uterus. Therefore pushing your rectus (AKA 6 pack) out. If this happens, you will spend months to years trying to fix it after the baby is born. Ugh, no fun!
So, What can you do?
The next thing you’re probably asking is, well then what can I do to keep in shape and stay healthy?
Walk, It’s safe and gives you endurance. It also keeps your heart rate at a decent level. With all that extra blood pumping for baby, the heart rate is more important to watch.
Squats, these are great because it helps strengthen the muscles around the pelvis for delivery. Squats also help minimize back pain another bonus. If you feel pressure in your knees, grab a chair and hold on to that. We never want to put pressure on the joints. That creates injuries.
One of my favorite ways to perform squats pregnant is on the TRX. It gives you stability and offsets your weight allowing for a more comfortable squat.
Light arm weights or resistance bands. These are great to do on a large medicine ball or standing. they can even be done side lying. All completely safe and low impact. Using bands or light weights will strengthen all the little muscles and tone the big ones.
My only caution with weights and bands when standing is to watch for balance.
Hold on to a chair or bar while working one leg at a time!
Pilates is a great way to exercise while pregnant. It’s low impact and utilizes the breath to perform the movements. It doesn’t require heat or jumping. I caution you though. Getting lost in a Pilates Mat class is not ideal pregnant. There are many Pilates exercises you should not do pregnant.
In my opinion, this is the time to utilize the reformer if you can. You will have the help of an instructor modifying the exercises and the machine for support.
Other tips for working out pregnant!
Take WATER breaks! Take as many as you can. Also, take breaks, kick your feet up when you are resting so your anckles do not swell. Listen to your body! What worked one day may not work the next. And that’s ok.
Try not to put pressure on yourself to be super mom. You are already a super mom just listen to your body and know every body is different. Working out does feel great and can help 1st trimester nausea, create strength, and mental clarity. However, when overdone, it can create dizziness, dehydration, and minor aches and pains.
Good luck beauty, you got this and most of all listen to your body.