How to get the mildew smell out of clothes.

How to get the mildew smell out of clothes.

How to Get The Mildew Smell Out of Clothes!

Ok, we have all done it! Put the clothes in the washer to forget about them moments later. I have found an amazing solution for getting the mildew smell out of clothes. I can’t keep this to myself because it is incredible and it has taken me years to fix this problem.

Unfortunately, I have to wash all blankets, towels, and virtually everything in my house because I have ruined them all by leaving them in the washer.

If your anything like me, this is a common occurrence. My poor family has been walking around with an absolute stench!

I have tried everything!

If this is your first offense solution one will be your go-to.


Put a cup of vinegar in your washer and do a full cycle. This should do the trick again for the first time offender.

Next solution…

Baking soda

Ok, this works on occasion as well. Baking soda is a natural cleaner and deodorizer and sometimes it works wonders for stinky items

But the best solution I found…

Out stink

This stuff is AMAZING seriously I used it with the thought that it’s probably not going to work because I have tried everything.

Let me paint the picture for you. I have thrown out towels.. washed the Hubbs clothes 3 times before I finally give up and then sometimes think I have mastered the stench to find out one of the kiddos got his shirt wet and oh man the dreadful smell is back.

I can not believe this magic stuff was so inexpensive.

If you have the same problem, then you need to get this stuff.

Is it natural?

Ok, I need to use mostly natural products due to minor irritations to chemicals but I have not had any issues with this product.

I figure I do not need to use it as a daily cleaner so I should be good. But I have washed all blankets, towels, and clothes and no problems.

Clearly, the Vinegar and baking soda are natural, and if they work, fabulous! But in my dreadful case, I needed reinforcements.

Ok mamma, go get this stuff so your little ones are not embarrassed from being the stinky kid!

I hope you never have this problem but if you do… you now have a solution.

Take care mama you got this!


How Gestational Diabetes Saved My Pregnancy!

How Gestational Diabetes Saved My Pregnancy!

How Gestational Diabetes Saved My Pregnancy!

When I first found out I had Gestational Diabetes I was mortified. I thought, how could this be? I eat healthily, I work out daily, and I’m fit. At first, I was embarrassed. Negative thoughts ran through my head about what I could have done wrong.

When I met the nutritionist, I was prideful and arrogant. I mean I actually knew this stuff! My pride was radiating in my attitude. She spent an hour trying to help me with a diet that I thought was pretty impeccable. Well at least compared to most.

I was that person! The one who said, “I never eat sugar, carbs, or processed food.” That annoying person who truly believed her delusion. In an attempt to prove the Dr’s wrong about my diagnosis I started guinea pigging myself. I would eat ice cream and check my levels. Sure enough, they would spike. In fact, I started getting light-headed, my eyes got foggy and I got dizzy. So I concluded, that maybe they were correct and I would obey the doctor’s orders.

After the first week of documenting my glucose numbers and tracking my food, I made some amazing discoveries!

Potatoes killed my glucose levels instantly

Sourdough wasn’t any better than white bread. Another delusion I believed that eating fruit in the morning was a no-no!

I overindulged in my protein and had slightly too high portions.

All these little things compounded into high insulin numbers.

Still in the back of my head, I didn’t take it seriously until I found out this would possibly affect my baby!

Then I got serious.

I swallowed my pride and worked the diet. To my surprise, I did not enjoy pricking my finger 5x a day but did love how I felt! All the strange symptoms of a stuffy nose, postnasal drip, and irritability have subsided.

Although I complained about not being able to overindulge in my cravings, I was thankful to have something keeping me in check.

As a result, I did not gain much more weight. I felt great. My baby was healthy because we were closely monitored and I learned a ton about what my body likes and does not like.

Being forced to keep a food journal was key.

When my numbers were up, I could look back and see what I ate and pick out exactly what triggered the spike. If I had not been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, I would still be grumpy, and wondering why I feel like crap.

Bold statement here but…

I truly believe I bypassed postpartum depression because of the serious diet changes.

As a health professional, I often would suggest that people track their meals. Some would and some wouldn’t but the ones who did, were always more successful.

If you have been diagnosed with Gestational diabetes or borderline. Here are the tracking sheets I used and they are super helpful.


They are designed to help you plan meals, prep, and track what you ate as well as your numbers. They were key to my success and in fact, I still use them today. I no longer have gestational diabetes but I am borderline and when I get grumpy… I know that it’s a sign, that I am eating unhealthy.

Gestational diabetes doesn’t have to be a negative thing. Use it as a tool to help you get to know your body better. I promise your body will thank you for it.

Good luck beauty


P.S. If you enjoyed this post you may enjoy How to boost your immune system.


7 Kid friendly meals when your trying to change their diet.

7 Kid friendly meals when your trying to change their diet.

7 Kid-friendly Meals When You’re Trying to Change their Diet.

We all know how it goes, we start out with bananas, avocado, sweet potatoes and a plethora of veggies for baby. Then all of a sudden your kiddo turns 3 and it’s chicken nuggets for dinner. The combination of ease and picky eaters is what got us in this position in the first place. The habitual dinner routine has officially gotten out of control.

If this sounds like your house and you want to take back control, I’ve got a few tips for you. 7 Kid-friendly meals when you’re trying to change their diet.

Sneaky chef it at first!

The sneaky chef was my go-to when I needed my little one to get on the same page as us. I hid his veggies in his meals so he would get used to the taste. Then once I found a recipe I thought he would try, I went for it.

Here are the 7 kid-friendly meals we love!

Garlic Toast Pizza– I add mashed sweet potatoes or grated zucchini to the sauce for veggies. But seriously, we love pizza so this one is such a great option for pizza night. This recipe comes from Cooks Well With Others

kid-friendly meals

Photo credit: Cooks Well With Others

Zucchini Enchiladas

Lauren has a great website and I love many of her recipes. Check her site out! Laurens Latest

This is a super sneaky way to get my littles to eat a veggie without puréeing it.


kid-friendly meals

Photo credit: Lauren’s Latest


Best Turkey Burger Recipe


I love this recipe because of its secret ingredient. Borderline genius. If you don’t follow Lauren you need to! Another recipe from Laurens Latest

Photo Credit: Lauren’s Latest


Chicken meatballs with hidden veggies

I am all about hiding the veggies so this recipe is right up my ally. It’s full of flavour and my kiddos love them. This recipe comes from Life on Beacon

kid-friendly meals

Photo Credit: Life on Beacon



Mini pancake skewers 

What I love about these is they’re small and I can make them myself. I was getting the ones from Trader Joes but they don’t always have them. So this is a nice alternative. This recipe comes from The Work Top

Photo Credit: The Work Top

Cheesy Taco Sticks

Another Blogger I love is Shawn from I Wash You Dry! She has so many easy recipes that are super delicious. My last meal comes from her as well. This recipe comes from I Wash You Dry

Photo Credit: I Wash You Dry

Broccoli Cheese Stuffed Chicken

Ok, this one was the hardest for me to get them to try because it looks so Adultish. But once I reminded them it has all their favourite foods in it they tried it. This recipe comes from I Wash You Dry

kid-friendly meals

Photo Credit: I Wash You Dry


These recipes were a start in the right direction for our family. It was my attempt to get away from chicken nuggets, macaroni n cheese, quesadillas, and grilled cheese the lifeless meals with little substance. I suck at cooking so I thank all these bloggers who helped us get back on track. I sure hope they can help you too.

Happy Cooking Mamma!



Postpartum Depression and How to Prevent it.

Postpartum Depression and How to Prevent it.

Postpartum Depression and How to Prevent it!

Feeling down, not quite yourself, or even a little off? Are you suddenly angry at hubby and it’s out of the ordinary?  It’s possible you may be experiencing the momma blues! Don’t worry, you are not alone! I completely know the feeling of being depressed but do not fully understand that what you are experiencing is postpartum depression.

As I am on my way to having my second child, I am combatting this now to prevent it from happening again!

Postpartum depression is no joke. It can devastate families and I do not want that to happen to you!

Many people assume postpartum depression is extremely obvious. That they won’t want to get out of bed or that they will not want to have anything to do with their baby. However, it doesn’t have to be that extreme to be real.  So, if you are feeling just a little bit off, here are my suggestions to balance your mood and be that amazing mom you want to be.

7 Important tasks to prevent postpartum depression.


1)Take time for yourself

I am not talking about the occasional mani-pedi. I am talking to the ladies who don’t take time for their general health.  This is particularly hard when you already have kiddos running around. Somehow we can find time for the kid’s Dr. Appointments and Dentist appointments, but forget to make ours. Or we can make sure they get their daily vitamin but somehow forget to take ours.

I am suggesting making sure you are eating properly, sleeping well, and reading or listening to something educational or inspirational. We need to always be growing the brain in order to steer clear of depression.

After my first, I felt crippled. I felt like I could not do anything. I dedicated my entire existence to that little one and ran to his beck-in call. Wow-what a mistake! I truly believe it strategically created my depression.

If you are a first-time mom, this happens so quickly that you may not even realize it. You become so consumed with the baby often you can feel crippled by your own desires and needs.



2)Make sure you exercise for at least 10 mins a day

Movement heals! That’s what Joseph Pilates said and a mantra I have stuck with. I am not talking HITT training 6 days a week. I believe simple movements will benefit the body in so many ways. Mental clarity, physical strength, and stamina are just a few of the many benefits. Of course, I love Pilates because I can do 10 mins of exercise and feel amazing. Check this quick Pilates routine out to get you moving. It’s simple and can be done at home.

I also enjoy walking because that gets me outside and that brings me to the next tip.


3)Get outside every day!

There is something about nature that brings joy to humans. A simple stroll can bring mental clarity, a bump in heart rate, and fresh air. The sound of the birds or the ocean brings me such peace and resets my triggers.

When we are experiencing depression, often we snap at people! Be it the kids or your husband and we don’t even know why. This is called an underlying trigger that you haven’t addressed. Going outside can clear your triggers. If you find yourself flying off the handle often, I also recommend this book. It’s amazing!

4)Start a gratitude journal

This is something I used to do at night. Until recently I realized the benefits of doing it in the morning before I start my day. I found it sets the tone for the day. I also used to do this in my head but found writing them down was super helpful. When I started feeling like I needed more or was comparing my life to others, I would look back at what I am grateful for.

I use this simple printable you can download for free now.

Download Here

5)Up your intake of vitamins and minerals.

Did you know Magnesium and Vitamin D are essential for mental health and commonly depleted in the modern diet?

Magnesium has been an age-old home remedy for many ailments. “Anxiety, apathy, depression, headaches, insecurity, irritability, restlessness, talkativeness, and sulkiness.” In 1968, Wacker and Parisi reported that magnesium deficiency could cause depression, behavioral disturbances, headaches, muscle cramps, seizures, ataxia, psychosis, and irritability. All are reversible with magnesium supplementation.

In this publication, there was a specific case that caught my eye.

A 35-year-old woman with a history of postpartum depression was pregnant with her fourth child. She took 200 mg of magnesium glycinate with each meal. She did not develop any complications of pregnancy and did not have depression with her fourth child, who was “healthy and full weight.”

According to Psychology Today, Vitamin D activates genes that regulate the immune system and release neurotransmitters (e.g., dopamine, serotonin) that affect brain function and development. Many people are deficient in Vitamin D and don’t even know it. 

I suggest these vitamins and minerals because I have been supplementing with them my whole pregnancy and it has helped work wonders on my moodiness. 

My prayer is that by taking them now, I will not experience postpartum depression this time around. I will let you know!


6)Stay hydrated

This may seem obvious but I was struggling to get my essential water intake. I would take a sip and be full. I did not drink anything other than water so thought I was getting enough. But the reality was, that I was not getting even half my body weight in ounces. ( what your body needs daily)

Eventually, I realized drinking cold water helped me drink more. So I purchased this container that keeps my water cold all day long. It’s so amazing the ice is still in the container at the end of the day. I love this thing.

For people who need some flavor, try infusing fruit or mint in your water. Here is an article from the Wellness Mamma! She provides so many recipes it’s awesome!



7)Eat Healthily

Ok, in other words, watch your sugar and complex carb intake. Both of these are hard on your body and mind. Eating whole grains and brown rice is much better than white refined bread and rice. If you are eating oatmeal, ditch the pre-made packages that are loaded with preservatives and go for the steel-cut oats that take 5 mins to make.

Even though, I am a health-conscious person I developed gestational diabetes in my last pregnancy and learned so much about my body. You can read that post here.

There are so many simple food swaps to make your life better check out Dr. Amen and his wife’s youtube channel for some helpful tips.

I also like this book by Dy Hymen.  

After my first child, I suddenly became intolerant of everything. Dairy, Gluten, Sugar. You name it. I struggled to find food I could eat. After trial and error, I found Ora Organic protein powder. I used this powder to supplement my lunches or snacks.

There you have it! Simple tips to fight postpartum depression. Please understand there are some cases that may require medical attention and please seek it out if your case is more severe than feeling off or sadness. 

These suggestions are for those who simply want to feel normal again. Because, well, we all know, that’s one of the hardest parts about pregnancy. 

Take Care Mamma! I wish you joy, peace, and happiness. 



Realistic Tips for Surviving Your First Trimester of Pregnancy!

Realistic Tips for Surviving Your First Trimester of Pregnancy!

Realistic Tips for Surviving Your First Trimester of Pregnancy!

If you are in the heat of your first trimester of pregnancy and wondering how the heck am I going to survive this? I’m here for you babe! I just finished my first trimester for a second time and want to pass on some realistic tips to help you in your first trimester as you count the weeks to normalcy.

I am not one of those people who “love” being pregnant! And I absolutely despise the first trimester. As a Pilates instructor, watching people move did not help my nausea. If I tried to demonstrate a move I would get a wave of dizzy spells. My stomach was so bloated I looked 4 months pregnant. ALREADY! Ugh… And the headaches, oh the headaches.

But the good news is I found realistic ways to help my symptoms.

The absolute best advice I can give you is Give Yourself A Break! This is not the time to think about how much weight you’re gaining and sad because you don’t feel like working out. Even worse, Please don’t force yourself to work out during the first trimester unless it makes you feel better. Listen to your body!

Surviving the first trimester


I had to eat, I know for some eating is not possible. But I found eating something light was super beneficial. My go-to was apples or grapes. Crackers were also good but sometimes they dried my mouth out and made nausea worse. So eat what works for you and in small doses.

Suck on ginger mints. The heat of the ginger helped but after a few weeks, I got sick of the taste.

My next move out of desperation was to get the sea bands and those worked surprisingly well. I really did not expect much from them but the majority of my sickness was coming from movement so I guess that’s why they worked.

I did, however, end up with tan lines on my wrists from wearing them all day long. But who cares I felt better.


Sleep if it’s available to you, nap when you can! If not eat small meals frequently. Protein pact meals helped boost my energy and keep my levels constant. I did crackers and cheese, apples and nut butter. Small ground chicken patties grilled.

Make sure you are getting your 8 hours of sleep in at night. Your body needs to recoup so you can keep up with the next day.


I used cold wet washcloths behind my neck or on my forehead. Upped my water intake. In fact, my sister in law got me a hydro flask and that bad boy helped me drink more water. It was amazing! On a few occasions, I would break down and take Tylenol.


Some people experience this for many reasons. Fear of miscarriage, fear of being a mom. Finances, work, you name it there is a fear underlining. How I battle this was reminding myself, this will all work out for my good. No need to stress about the unknown. I started a gratitude journal and read my bible daily. This actually helped me so much with anxiety, I was astonished.

I believe we are pregnant for almost 10 months for a reason. The first trimester is the time where you work these things out and the stress dissipates by the second. Unfortunately, you have to trust me and just know there is a method to the madness. The fear is healthy to get you prepared. Just be careful to not dwell on it.

Remember the second trimester brings energy and normalcy to most pregnant women. Take care of yourself and keep moving! I encourage you to start a daily gratitude journal. Feel free to use this one if you like. 


8 Gift Ideas for a 5 Year old Boy That are not Superheros!

8 Gift Ideas for a 5 Year old Boy That are not Superheros!


8 Gift Ideas for a 5-Year-old Boy that are not Superheros!

Need help loosening joints? These tune-up balls are great for getting out the kinks. The act of rolling them on your tight muscles will help relieve stiffness.

Same goes for the roller, The difference is the roller gets a larger area at once.

know it can be super stressful to shop for kids. The question is daunting when you have so many people to shop for. (Especially around holidays.) So,  I decided to help you out! Here is a list of the best gifts for a 5-year old boy that I am sure you will find super helpful. This list excludes superheroes because I wanted to give you a list that every boy will enjoy.


Gift ideas for a 5-year -old

Gifts your 5-year-old will LOVE!

  1. Skywalker Trampoline mini bouncer. This is a perfect gift for an active boy. Save your couch and get this indoor or outdoor gift.
  2. LEGO Creator Mighty Dinosaurs. So much fun to build this Dinosaur we love playing with it.
  3. Operation Electronic Board Game With Cards Kids Skill Game. We can play this classic game for hours and its perfect for learning the body in a fun way.
  4. Discovery Kids Planetarium Projector for Children with Rotating Stars Night Sky Mode and Stationary Slides Mode with Planet, Constellation, Solar System, Nebula, Spaceship, and Star Slides. I actually purchased this but haven’t used it yet, super excited about it.
  5.  Playmags 100 Piece Super Set we love these and create endless masterpieces. I had to purchase more but this set has 100 pieces and at a good price.
  6. Crazy Forts, Purple, 69 pieces hours fun especially when trapped indoors. Build the imagination and create teamwork at the same time.
  7. Tickle Monster Laughter Kit. A favourite book this cute set was given to us as a gift and I thought it was one of the best. It makes storytime come to life and builds a connection at the same time.
  8. Scientific Explorer My First Mind Blowing Science Kit. This kit is perfect for any kiddo interested in science. Kids can learn science, technology and math all in this one kit.


There you have it, from forts to games to books and activities there is definitely something on this list that will bring joy to that special sweet boy. These are our favourite toys and we hope it helps give you some clarity.


Happy Shopping,




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