The amazing benefits of Oil Pulling and why you should be doing it!

The amazing benefits of Oil Pulling and why you should be doing it!

Ok so, if someone told me a few years ago that I would be putting Coconut oil in my mouth and swishing it around for 30 mins, I would have told them they were nuts! But, like many things in my life low and behold, I started oil pulling. The question remains, should you start oil pulling?


I never planned on writing about oil pulling until I went to a favorite things party and it became apparent that I should have given coconut oil as my gift. Many of the ladies had never heard of the tremendous benefits it provides.

Do you have receding gums? Are you struggling with bad breath? Do you have candida or leaky gut? If you answered yes to any of these, oil pulling will benefit you! 

 What is oil pulling you ask?

Well, it’s the act of putting coconut oil in your mouth and swishing it around for 20 to 30 mins then spitting it out in the trash. (Not the sink, it will clog the drain) I like to do this while I am in the shower. It helps me keep my mind off the uncomfortable nature of swishing and not being able to swallow. People oil pull for different reasons, one is, to kill bad bacteria in the mouth. Many have rid themselves of bad breath, gum disease, and bleeding gums.

 Oil pulling detoxifies the body!


When we oil pull, we activate the salivary enzymes that absorb toxins. We are exposed to many toxins daily… such as chemical, bacterial, and environmental toxins. It is nessicary to remove these toxins and oil pulling is one way we can pull toxins from the blood. Using this technique, these toxins are removed from the body through the tongue. Thus oil pulling detoxifies and purifies the entire human body.



Oil pulling kills harmful bacteria in your mouth.

An article from National Center for Biotechnology Information describes Oil Pulling as activating salivary production that can reduce bacteria.

oil pulling

Reduces Bad Breath

When someone has Halitosis, also known as bad breath, it is due to poor oral hygiene, gum disease, and or infection. Treatment usually is a mouth wash and better brushing with flossing.

Adding coconut oil, can “pull” the bacteria from the mouth and often get the hard-to-reach areas.

Can Reduce Cavities

It is believed that oil pulling can rid you of bacteria that cause cavities. There are typically 700 different forms of bacteria that can live in your mouth and according to Pub Med Central, roughly 350 of them can be present at one time.

Helps with  Inflammation and Improves Gum Health.

I use coconut oil when I oil pull and this particular oil is known for reducing inflammation. Often inflammation is associated with Gingivitis. A disease affecting the gums. This disease creates swollen, red, and often bloody gums.

Plaque builds up under the surface of the gum.

By decreasing the number of bacteria in the mouth, you are essentially cleansing the gum line.

I started Oil pulling for dental reasons.

I was told my gums were that of an 80-year-old woman. During my visit with the dentist, I was told, that my gums were receding so badly that I would need surgery within that next year.

In a desperate attempt, I started Oil Pulling. I did not do it every night. I did do it every other night and invested in a mechanical toothbrush. After a few months, I went back to the dentist, and not only did my teeth shine, but I also no longer needed the surgery. My gums were back to pink, not beat red, no longer inflamed, and no longer bleeding when I flossed.

I am a believer in this strange method and sure hope that sharing it with you will be helpful for you as well.


Good Luck Beauty
















Simple Ways to Kick Candida!

Simple Ways to Kick Candida!

Are you struggling with Candida? Here are Simple ways to kick Candida. 

70% of the population is struggling with Candida and don’t even know it! Do you struggle with gas, bloating, fatigue, depression, anxiety, excess mucous, or environmental allergies? These are just a few symptoms. Unfortunately, the signs are similar to so many other health issues, but the underlining root of these issues may be coming from the overgrowth of bad bacteria in your gut. 

Candida is a bacteria we all need in our bodies. However, like everything, you don’t want too much of these critters cruising through your gut.

I was suffering from severe sinus problems (post nasal drip) that were becoming unbearable! After almost a year of research and numerous Dr. visits I concluded this 25 year, the undiagnosed problem was Candida. Unfortunately, the Dr.’s had no idea what was wrong with me. Some said GERD, some said Allergies. The point is I had to take my health into my own hands and get to the root cause. 

My journey has been long but in this experience, I hope to help others free themselves from this internal invasion.

Candida actually assists our bodies with nutrient absorption and digestion when at normal levels.

When candida overgrowth happens, there are many symptoms you might experience. Fatigue, bad breath, sinus infections, depression, weight retention, and yeast infections just to name a few. Some underlining risk factors if not treated are Diabetes, Cancer, Asthma, thyroid and adrenal dysfunction. All conditions that add weight to the midline and aid in irritability not to mention a life of medications and pain. 


So how did you actually get Candida?

Well, research has shown, excessive stress, Alchohol 🙁  sugar consumption, and coffee are contributors. Being that Candida is a bacteria, antibiotics have been known to aid in the overgrowth of candida as well. Sadly, our meat is full of antibiotics so if we are not buying grass-fed organic beef or chicken then we are consuming antibiotics on the regular.


So here are two easy way’s to see if you have Candidaways to Kick Candida


1)  According to researchers and Dr’s, take a look at your tongue. If you see a white film or coating on it, it’s called thrush. Thrush is an overgrowth of yeast and also visible signs of Candida. Make sure to look at this first thing in the morning before water intake and coffee. If the tongue is pink you’re probably ok but still may not be in the clear and I suggest to move on to the spit test anyway. 

2)  Take the spit test! ( Been found to be highly accurate)

Grab a 1/2 glass of water and spit in it every morning for 6 days. (This must be done in the morning before coffee or anything enters the body.) Next, watch the saliva for the next hour and look at what happens. 

Your Saliva will either sit on top of the water, have legs that slowly sink down or sink completely. If you have legs, you have signs of Candida. If your Saliva sinks, you have a tremendous overgrowth of Candida, and If your saliva floats your levels are normal.


Why you should take the steps to get rid of it

Candida reeks havoc on the body. The yeast that builds up in the body causes excess mucus creating a DAMP environment in the body. ( Think of Mold in your home and how damaging it is if it is not eliminated.) This is very similar to what happens on your insides.

Some symptoms you may have are, sinus infections, bloating, gas, chronic yeast infections, and dry skin. Humm sounds like way too many people out there if you ask me. In my case, my sinus started affecting my breathing ultimately creating more anxiety.

The simple steps I followed to get rid of Candida

This is not going to be easy! Let me tell you, I fought actually doing this for so long. It wasn’t until I saw my Dad really suffer from cancer that I started to take this seriously.

First! Eliminate all simple sugars and processed foods! Boooo I needed help because I was so conditioned to eating Mac n cheese and quick easy meals that the thought of actually cooking terrified me. So I signed up for a weekly meal plan that took excuses away from me. I so needed that!

Cut the Dairy until you are healed, then slowly add it back in to see if the protein is a problem for your digestion.

Do a Bone Broth Cleanse. You can make your own or purchase bone broth from various sources. I like this one from The Flavor Chef. It’s easy and delicious and I discovered it from Christa Orecchio, a woman who is extremely knowledgeable on the Candida topic and I trust completely.Kick Candida

Take a Multi Stran Pro-Biotic. I love the one by Ora Organic. I also liked Dr Axes and Plexus.

Take antifungals. There are so many supplements you can take but I really needed simple so I used Oil of Oregano and Wow that stuff is potent. You can almost feel it burning the bacteria. Good Stuff!

Ok, there you go, just a few simple ways to kick Candida and get your mojo back. I know I say simple, but I assure you it’s not easy! I know first hand how hard it is to overhaul your diet but I encourage you to try. To be able to have energy, be happy, free of stress, relieve chronic illness, and have a flat belly again are all motivators to gain your internal strength back. Good luck beauty!




3 Simple Ways to Cut Down Sugar Now!

3 Simple Ways to Cut Down Sugar Now!

3 Simple Ways to Cut Down Sugar Now!

So many people are talking about sugar these days and for a good reason! This stubborn addiction can be surprisingly hard to stop. I am not saying it’s impossible, but I am saying sometimes sugar shows up in places you least expect so when you think you are on track, you may actually not be. So, here are some ways to cut down sugar intake.

This sneaky food is hidden in some of our favourite “healthy” foods like pasta sauce, orange juice, and coconut water. Therefore you do not have to be stuffing your face with cookies and muffins to be consuming a significant amount of sugar. As a result, our bodies are burning sugar instead of fat. So fat keeps accumulating around the midsection and never getting used as energy.

cut down sugar

Why you need to cut sugar now!

Sugar has more control over your body than you think. Are you feeling run down, grumpy, bloated, or absent-minded? Well, sugar is most likely the problem.

When I started cutting down my sugar intake it was right after having my son. My journey wasn’t for weight loss at first. I was feeling awful, tired, grumpy, less patient, and out of breath quicker than normal. My teeth were sensitive and I just felt depleted.

I had never really been a sugar consumer before but something changed after pregnancy. I started drinking Shakeoloy protein shakes to help with my nutrition while breastfeeding.  But, I was adding yogurt to make it taste better and it was actually making me crave sugar more.

I thought was being ‘healthy’ but ultimately I was sabotaging my efforts. After following the advice from JJ Virgin,  Dr Axe,  and Dr Hyman I made a plan. Cut the sugar. And let me tell you it’s been life-changing.

The fat melts off you. It’s Amazing!

A full sugar-free diet will take time if you want it to be sustainable. It is recommended to eliminate slowly because like a drug if its done cold turkey you will inevitably crave it!   Here are a few simple swaps to get you started.

Cutting sugar is not easy! Here are 3 simple tips to get you started!

1)  Use Liquid Stevia as your sweetener

I love coffee, so I used this until I could taper down to no added sugar. Not all Stevia is the same just like everything out there.  You want to find “real stevia leaf.”  According to Dr Axe Truvia goes through 42 steps to make it 400 times more sweet than sugar. Therefore, the big guys have made a somewhat healthy alternative to GMO yet again.

If you are really into changing things up, try to substitute coconut oil and organic butter for creamer like (Kerrygold), it significantly cuts down the bitterness of black coffee and eliminates creamer which has sugar in it. This coffee blend is called “bulletproof ” and it has a ton of other benefits as well such as improved focus. If you are interested in Bulletproof check out

2)  Eliminate all Coke/ Pepsi Products!

Okay, this next one is not as easy if you are addicted to Coke. My husband and I started switching Mountain Dew (Yes the worst one for you), to soda water and added lemon, grapefruit, or lime. At the time, it wasn’t as popular so we had to do way more work. But now we own a soda stream. We make our own at home saving a TON of money. Not to mention carbs. If you wanted to take the plunge to purchase a one, I highly recommend it.

Another option before investing any money is to just purchase sparkling water at the store. They often go on sale. But it can get expensive.


3)  Eat Sour Food

Did you know, that if you add sour foods to your diet it changes your ph and you actually start craving less sugar naturally? I add fresh lemon or apple cider vinegar to my morning cup of water. If this sounds awful to you add a grapefruit to your breakfast or snack. Helpful tip, when I first started drinking apple cider vinegar I added a drop of stevia to help with the taste, now it’s not necessary I am loving it.

I recommend Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar. Make sure its organic. Dr Axe does a great youtube video on the importance of organic that you can check it out here.

Just to recap, The 3 strategies to cut down sugar now is to, replace refined sugar with stevia until you can cut it completely. Ditch the soft drinks and make your own soda water. Lastly, start eating sour food to offset the sugar cravings.

Baby steps, sugar is hard to kick so good luck and take it one day at a time. If you are ready to take your life back and commit to a life without sugar, I recommend “The 10 Day Detox” or “The Sugar Impact Diet” Both of these resources are amazing and you are guaranteed to detox and lose weight if you follow it. 

 You can do it! 



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