7 Kid-friendly Meals When You’re Trying to Change their Diet.
We all know how it goes, we start out with bananas, avocado, sweet potatoes and a plethora of veggies for baby. Then all of a sudden your kiddo turns 3 and it’s chicken nuggets for dinner. The combination of ease and picky eaters is what got us in this position in the first place. The habitual dinner routine has officially gotten out of control.
If this sounds like your house and you want to take back control, I’ve got a few tips for you. 7 Kid-friendly meals when you’re trying to change their diet.
Sneaky chef it at first!
The sneaky chef was my go-to when I needed my little one to get on the same page as us. I hid his veggies in his meals so he would get used to the taste. Then once I found a recipe I thought he would try, I went for it.
Here are the 7 kid-friendly meals we love!
Garlic Toast Pizza– I add mashed sweet potatoes or grated zucchini to the sauce for veggies. But seriously, we love pizza so this one is such a great option for pizza night. This recipe comes from Cooks Well With Others

Photo credit: Cooks Well With Others
Lauren has a great website and I love many of her recipes. Check her site out! Laurens Latest
This is a super sneaky way to get my littles to eat a veggie without puréeing it.

Photo credit: Lauren’s Latest
I love this recipe because of its secret ingredient. Borderline genius. If you don’t follow Lauren you need to! Another recipe from Laurens Latest

Photo Credit: Lauren’s Latest
Chicken meatballs with hidden veggies
I am all about hiding the veggies so this recipe is right up my ally. It’s full of flavour and my kiddos love them. This recipe comes from Life on Beacon

Photo Credit: Life on Beacon
What I love about these is they’re small and I can make them myself. I was getting the ones from Trader Joes but they don’t always have them. So this is a nice alternative. This recipe comes from The Work Top

Photo Credit: The Work Top
Another Blogger I love is Shawn from I Wash You Dry! She has so many easy recipes that are super delicious. My last meal comes from her as well. This recipe comes from I Wash You Dry

Photo Credit: I Wash You Dry
Broccoli Cheese Stuffed Chicken
Ok, this one was the hardest for me to get them to try because it looks so Adultish. But once I reminded them it has all their favourite foods in it they tried it. This recipe comes from I Wash You Dry

Photo Credit: I Wash You Dry
These recipes were a start in the right direction for our family. It was my attempt to get away from chicken nuggets, macaroni n cheese, quesadillas, and grilled cheese the lifeless meals with little substance. I suck at cooking so I thank all these bloggers who helped us get back on track. I sure hope they can help you too.
Happy Cooking Mamma!